Sunday, August 23, 2009

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Well plenty of times in the long past when she was between villages and her provisions had run out maybe. Nightingale had never been so poor a musician that she'd had to sing for leftovers. This hour was too late for lunch and a bit too early for dinner. Only a few of the eating nooks were open and operating and all of those were on the ground floor. Lyrebird went to one of her favorites where the cook was a merry little man with no use of his lower limbs because of an illness as a child. Not that he let it get in the way of his work; he was a cook after all and he didn't need to move much. He plied his trade very well from a stationary seat within a half-circle of round-bottomed pans all heated on Deliambren braziers to the sizzling point. You picked out what you wanted from a series of bins of fresh vegetables and strips of fowl fish and meat in bowls sunk in ice and brought it to him in your bowl; he would quick-fry it in a bit.
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